Val de Travers – Couvet
So many WIMA Austria members than ever before – a total of 12 – were traveling in mid-July in western Switzerland for a week with dear friends and our hobby again – not celebrate no …, well, already well .. but rather ride a motorcycle. – to spend. The train from Vienna to Feldkirch shortened our arrival and allowed Jane, Berti, Sonja, Anneliese, Renate, Uli and Michaela a nice ride over some passes and mountain roads that we enjoyed two days. Su, Margot and Gertha settled for the track only a day’s time, Birgit and Lili had so much luggage for us all with that they arrived by car and motorcycle trailers.
After a short drive, there was a small incident on the Klausen Pass, which cost the Berti left turn: a cow ran so blindly on the road that they umrannte Berti literally. The next day at Glaubenbühelpass Renates motorbike was overturned alone in the parking lot standing in the wind (!), Which cost them a mirror and, as the motorcycles not miles stood apart, Berti second rear view mirror, as the domino effect following also fell over her motorcycle.
Without further incident we reached Couvet where our Swiss friends held the meeting on a beautiful sports field in almost usual organized manner.
We could make a lot of nice trips, there were nice games on the site, a well-organized rally with interesting games, a great parade with fine snack at goal, a absinthe tasting, nice evenings with music in the circle of our friends, good food and broadly great weather.
As always, this week passed in a flash. After a fine farewell evening were some of us the journey home, some had to be able to even mount the happiness a nice holiday trip. Ultimately all came home safely.
We really enjoyed this week and look forward to seeing you again in Poland, 2014.
Photos of the WIMA Rally 2013 in Val de Travers can be found here.