A real “mess,” isn’t it?

Tighten the chain according to the motto “learning by doing” – it was worth a try.
With the help of the KTM’s instruction manual and on-board tools I went to work. To reassure myself that I’m not doing anything wrong, of course under the critical eye of Chris.

To loosen the wheel nut (1) took some effort – at the beginning it didn’t work with the hand despite the extension of the fork spanner, so the foot had to be used – “open” counter-clockwise! were the admonishing words of Chris.

Then loosen the nuts (2)  on the left and right side and make the same number of turns (clockwise) on both sides of the adjusting screws (3) and check if the ends of the chain tensioners have the same distance on both sides (tip from Chris!), because the reference marks were unfortunately difficult to see.

Then loosen the nuts (2)  on the left and right side and make the same number of turns (clockwise) on both sides of the adjusting screws (3) and check if the ends of the chain tensioners have the same distance on both sides (tip from Chris!), because the reference marks were unfortunately difficult to see.

Then retighten nuts (2) on both sides and take care not to accidentally adjust anything again. I found that the most difficult thing to do, it doesn’t need any force, but it makes me feel insecure – maybe I did turn the screw again?

Finally tighten the wheel nut (1) again – clockwise! Check the chain clearance 5-7 mm to the lower edge of the swing arm again – fits perfectly!

Looking at the hands and what a surprise – they were no more dirty than usual when checking the air pressure! And this was not due to the rain that was already starting.

At the first “roll out” you should have listened well and you also had a good feeling. Seems like I did everything right.

So girls you should dare – you can do more than you think!

Thanks to Chris for her helpful tips and her “supervision”.

By the way, the KTM manual explains the steps quite clearly. The on-board tools were sufficient for this work too, which I wasn’t really convinced of at first.

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